Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in The Orissa Society of the Americas (OSA). Check the OSA Administration page for all the contact information. Here is the guideline on whom to contact for specific questions.

Category Contact
General information Any OSA Executives
OSA programs/awards/procedure: Vice President
Membership Secretary or Treasurer
To become a new member Treasurer
Address update Secretary or Treasurer
Constitution, by-laws, complaints, suggestions and OSA policy: President
Finances/budget/fees Treasurer
Orissa Relationship (NROFC, Development etc.) Secretary
Publications Editors
Committees Respective Committee Members
Website related Webmaster
Local Chapter Information Local Chapter Presidents
Convention related Convener/Co-conveners
Cultural or Promotion of oDia culture Vice President
If your address or any other information you would like to share has changed, please update it on our OSA directory system. You may also visit our membership page. You may contact us with your questions, suggestions, offer of help or comments for this non-profit, socio-cultural organization.
Contact Phone: (630) 416-6259
You may use the form below to send a message to the OSA General email.

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