A Dream That We Dream TogetherEditorial - Bigyani Das
[Note: All the issues of Utkarsa are (will be) available electronically from the OSA web page at http://www.orissasociety.org/publications/public.html. Please refer this page for newsletter related publication updates.] Friends Greetings and Happy New Year wishes to you all. No kidding. In OSA calendar, New Year starts after OSA convention during July 4th weekend. The 36th year of OSA and the 2nd year of the current presidency started last month. We welcome you all to an exciting year ahead with our first issue of Utkarsa.
As OSA is moving forward toward its golden anniversary in fifteen years, this is the time we should train ourselves for winning the gold medal for our community's goals. A dream that I dream or any other person dreams as an individual, would
I as an individual member of OSA have a dream that reflects OSA's image with the words Optimism, Supportiveness and Assertiveness. The name of OSA should be used with optimism since it symbolizes togetherness, and gives hope that as immigrants we are not alone. OSA members should be optimistic about the society and its future. Many life members of OSA have not received OSA souvenir for years. I had asked some of my life member friends, “Why did not you contact the President or any of the current office bearers?” The answer was, “Do they listen? We contacted several times and there was no response.” Although the above experience can create pessimism in the minds of members, I would suggest everybody to try again. People are different and the leaders would definitely change over the years, who would listen to the concerns of the members and take action. We as members do have the control in selecting our leaders and helping our leaders perform their duties. Our rights and duties go side by side. When we claim for our rights, we should also consider if we are doing our duties properly. If all of us become aware of this simple rule of our rights and duties, and be optimistic, then we together can bring optimism to the missions of the society. I associate the second letter with Supportiveness. OSA exists to support its members to interact and preserve the cultural heritage by the association of each other. This support can be rendered two-ways. OSA as an organization can facilitate and clear obstacles for the mutual support between members to flow smoothly. This support should be rendered with sincerity, honesty and dignity. A person, who receives support at the time of need, should not forget to do his/her duty of supporting another person in need. OSA can also support new initiatives such as developments in Orissa as well as establishments of Oriya identity in USA and Canada. On the other hand, the members should provide their sincere support to the OSA office bearers for performing their jobs well. For an example, OSA has initiated NRO day in Bhubaneswar, Orissa to support its members to take the opportunity and establish association with the like minded people in Orissa to contribute towards Orissa's development. If OSA members do not use the opportunity, the President cannot do anything alone. OSA should be reflected by Assertiveness. When all the members are aware of the rules and are able to interpret the rules correctly, assertiveness would dominate OSA affairs. According to OSA constitution, when the children are more than 18 years old, they cannot be considered as OSA members with the family member definition. They can choose to be student members or individual members. Thus, they are not eligible for any OSA awards under the guidelines of the present constitution. Unless we add amendments to the constitution, we have to obey the constitution. Period. The award committee this year had the biggest challenge of dealing with the eligibility of nominators and nominees. I request every OSA member to go through the constitution guidelines and nomination guidelines (available at www.orissasociety.org page) while nominating members for awards or being considered as a nominee for awards. It is also mentioned in the constitution that the chapter president should be a life member, patron or benefactor of OSA. A chapter's president cannot be an executive member of OSA for more than 2 terms (4 years in total). However, the above rules are not taken into consideration in many chapters and thus the national office bearers do have a challenge of approaching them to state these simple rules. OSA is a member based, voluntary organization and thus to win gold medal in our institution's mission, we have to minimize our conflicts. This can only become possible if everybody follows the constitution and understands the boundaries of rights and duties. The above will stay as a MERE DREAM and centuries would pass without any result if it is just my dream; an individual member's dream. However, if some of you are dreaming the same dream and we are dreaming together, then be assured; THIS DREAM WILL BE A REALITY VERY SOON. Sincerely, Bigyani Das |